Think of them

Show them you care.

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we believe

A simple tap can
send love and warmth 🫶

starts with

Add a friend
or loved one.

One-to-one connection is the deepest way to express you care.


Tap & hold
to think of them.

Even if it's just a few seconds, or half an hour, they will appreciate it.


On the hour,
they get a text.

At the end of each hour, the person you thought of will receive a message notifying them that you were thinking of them!

Keep it simple

Unlike apps for sharing photos and memories, this one is solely for letting someone know you're thinking of them.

1-1 Connection

Notifications are kept between 2 people.
It means more that way.

Hourly Notifications

Tap the button any time during the hour, and they'll receive a notification at the hour's end, revealing how long you were thinking of them.

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